Chapter 22: What is Scarier?
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 22: What is Scarier?

“It’s not like that! He’s lying!” Su Mo shook his head. “The ghost kills without leaving behind any trace!”

“Since you don’t work here, how would you know his surname is Ma? Why did you call him Manager Ma?” Xia Yang turned to Su Mo.

“The ghost told me that! The ghost knew Manager Ma! The ghost died from too many overtimes! I really didn’t do anything!” Su Mo was about to cry. He just wanted to live, but fate kept pushing him down the wrong path.

“We better detain them first.” Gao Ming looked around for a rope.

“You have to believe me! He is the ghost. This young man stayed inside the elevator with the dead body, and he even wanted to kill me!” Manager Ma was anxious when he heard Gao Ming wanted to tie him up. He shouted as he ran to the safety passage. “You’ll be killed by him! The ghost is on him!”

Manager Ma ran down the stairs where Unicorn Gaming Studio was.

“Who do you think is the good guy?” Xia Yang didn’t care but turned to look at Gao Ming.

“You keep an eye on the delivery man while I explain the situation to everyone.” Gao Ming ran down the corridor to the Nightlight Gaming Studio. The employees still hadn’t taken the message seriously. “Is Wei Dayou still not back yet?” Gao Ming looked around, and more people were missing. There was only one young intern inside the office. “Li Jie, Zhang Wang have gone out too?!”

“I believe they went to the toilet.”

“Stay here. When they come back, tell them not to leave again!” Gao Ming took out his phone, but none of his colleagues was answering. “The game includes four floors. Other than the employees of Nightlight, the other studios’ workers are here too. We need to gather everyone within an hour!”

Gao Ming had no idea how many living humans were still there in the building. Even though the game had given them one hour to prepare, it was still very hard. Gao Ming ran back to the storage room since he couldn’t contact his colleagues. Xuan Wen was a psycho murderer. She was very good at reading

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