Chapter 191: Grab Your Fate
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 191: Grab Your Fate


All the big ghosts and students in the school saw Yan Xizhi. At the ruined school, the old lady stood at the edge of the shadow world. The students infected by Fear Illness were moved by something, and they all turned to Yan Xizhi.

The school had become a ruin. All the buildings collapsed. The students came down with illnesses. They were scared, crying to leave this place, the sanctuary that had once brought so much warmth to the orphans and abandoned children of Han Hai.

When did it become like this? Who hurt my children?

The rain washed away the dirt. The old lady tried to straighten her back. Nothing could beat her down. Her eyes shone like stars. They glowed in the murky night.

“Don’t be scared of life. Don’t be afraid of living. I am here. I will accompany you. Be it the lightness road or the shadowy underground, I will never leave you. That is the thing I promised you when you joined the school.” With each of her words, Yan Xizhi’s body became blurrier. The shadow world was eating her. It was unwilling to let her go. “Han De Shu Xiang Academy is more than a school. Situ An will never understand that. For these children, this is their childhood and their first memory. It contains their wish for home and pure kindness.”

The old headmistress had a very special power. Normally, she would go to class in the hall and help cleanse the student’s souls. She didn’t need to actively use her power. She would radiate calmness wherever she was. Even the heavily-traumatised big dog liked to stay by her side.

Situ An, who was behind the red raincoat, had his face twisted. Whenever he saw Yan Xizhi, it was like he was looking at a mirror. This mirror showed his ugliness and dirtiness.

“I don’t understand what you mean. I know that the goodness you constructed doesn’t exist. This world is very simple. If you feel happy, someone is in pain. If you are relaxed, someone is under duress. Envy, jealousy and comparison. As long as there is malice in a single person’s heart, humanity will never achieve true go

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