Chapter 190: Every Life is Precious
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 190: Every Life is Precious

The rain fell on the collapsed buildings. The clouds and night fell. The gunshots overwhelmed the sound of thunder. The lightning lit up the knife Liu Yi was holding. Liu Yi darted between the trees. She looked thin and frail, but she was extremely agile. Situ An had only seen such control over one’s physique in Qing Ge before.

“It looks like you’ve experienced a lot.” Situ An stopped evading. The other investigators had arrived. They guarded Situ An instantly.

“Is it worth it to die to save a devil?” Liu Yi looked at their guns and slowly put down her knife.

“Go back to the school! If you take one more step forward, we’ll have to take you down!” The leading team leader warned Liu Yi.

“That’s right. It’s pointless to talk to you because you are merely… tools.” Liu Yi gently slashed her knife across the air.

The team leader, who was a few metres away, felt blood on his neck. He lowered his head to look, and sharp, venomous claws cut through his veins. Yan Siyu was riding on his back. Living humans couldn’t do anything to stop ghosts. Liu Yi and Situ An knew that. However, he didn’t warn them. Situ An didn’t react in any way as the investigators who came to save him collapsed one after another. He was counting the time as he glanced at the security members who were fighting with the PE Teacher. When Zhao Xi and Zhao Li’s bodies were almost smashed into a pulp, the rain around them turned red. It felt like the sky was crying.

As the blood rain poured, more investigators died. Situ An smiled brighter. “She is coming.”

The blood in the sky mixed into the ground. The water ghosts in the flood screamed. The ground bulged like a blood capillary was enlarging underground. The security members near the school suddenly screamed as their blood bands cut into their skins. Their temporary inability to control their bodies meant that they were instantly torn apart by the scapegoats. Similar situations were happening all around the school until the last security member chose to commit suicide. The raincoat pieces dropped in

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