Chapter 192: Fate and Life
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 192: Fate and Life

No one knew when Gao Ming got there and why he hated Situ An so much. The rain fell on Gao Ming. Water slid down his hair and fell on Situ An’s face. Every drop was chilling.

“We meet again, Situ An!”

The death memories in his heart moved like cogs. All the screams of pain and despair echoed in Gao Ming’s chest. His fingers pierced through Situ An’s neck, and they kept going. This new path was paved using many different deaths. It was how the ant-like Gao Ming could grab his hands on the neck of the temp chief of the east city investigation centre.

Situ An couldn’t breathe or speak. He grabbed Gao Ming’s arms. Even if he made deep scratches on Gao Ming, Gao Ming didn’t budge. He had only seen Gao Ming a few times. They were from two different worlds. He also didn’t understand why Gao Ming hated him so much.

The suffocation brought pain to Situ An’s eyes. He viewed humans as tools and made use of everyone around him. He sacrificed so much to get to the top of Han Hai. He didn’t think this day would come.

His hair was soaked in the mud, and his head was pressed against the pebbles. Situ An’s eyes filled with hatred and unwillingness. He controlled part of the school rules and had the death portrait of the staff. He turned his own children into a big ghost. He could mobilise a lot of resources in the east city and had the protection of the headquarters. With so many trump cards, Situ An didn’t think he’d die. He placed everyone on the sacrificial altar but himself. His body started to feel cold. All of his preparations were slowly removed by Gao Ming.

When did he start to plan to kill me?

When Doctor Lu and Qing Ge were killed? Or earlier?

At that moment, Situ An felt fear. He hadn’t felt that in decades already.

Is it fate? Everything in my life is arranged! The only thing that can do all of these and ruin all of my plans is fate!

Situ An couldn’t breathe anymore. His last gaze landed on Gao Ming before it moved to the night sky.

You are fate’s pawn. After you kill me, you will die too. No one can escape!

Gao Ming saw so many th

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