Chapter 184: Just Want to Kill
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 184: Just Want to Kill

Situ An was very good at brainwashing others. He would stand on the moral highpoint and use the cover of morality to hide his ugly deeds. He was the vice president of the Han Hai Charity Organization and one of the few who had a voice at the Han Hai Merchant Association. He had a lot of power and ambition that couldn’t be fulfilled.

As the biggest beneficiary of the rules, Situ An protected the rules during the day but wanted to become the rule maker at night. He was extremely selfish. It was undeniable that he had many positive attributes, but there were also many reasons that he had to be killed.

He protected the city because the humans in the city were still useful to him. They were his chips to bargain with the shadow world. He would not be detained by morality. He’d do anything to achieve his goals.
“Someone like you is actually very sad.”

Gao Ming had died many times because of Situ An. The horrible thing was the reason for his deaths was different every time. Gao Ming didn’t have to kill Situ An, but Situ An had to eliminate Gao Ming if he wanted to keep growing.

“Gao Ming, you’re not where I am, so you can’t see what I’m seeing. I also have no other choice. If you’re willing to side with me, I’ll lead you to the peak of Han Hai.” Situ An in the screens didn’t look tired at all. He was unfazed even though he knew that Gao Ming had been searching for him.

“Instead of going to the top together, I’d rather drag you into the depths of hell so that you can experience my life.” Gao Ming pressed his fingers on his heart. Eight bloody arms grew out of the back of his heart. The meat fragrance spread. The God with eight arms made the same action as Gao Ming. The arms raised, and the fists punched through the wall with the monitors. The monitors that acted like eyes shattered. Behind the wall were many wiggling meat blobs similar to the ones in the infirmary.

Big Ghosts had resentment rooms, and different ghosts had rooms with different powers. The thing that appeared before Gao Ming then was a special resentment room. It wa

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