Chapter 183: Persuasion
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 183: Persuasion

“It looks like Situ An is hiding here.”

The death memory in Gao Ming’s heart was like a seared brand. The pain of the many deaths triggered his every nerve. He couldn’t control himself and opened the door before the big dog did. There was no gore or horror. There was no ghost or monster either. It could be considered the cleanest room in the office building. Everything was arranged neatly, as if the owner had some compulsion tendencies.

“A surveillance room?”

Inside the room, there was a wall that was filled with monitors. The owner could examine most of the things that happened in the school from this room. The monitors were like eyes planted into the wall. On the table near the wall, there was a camera and a microphone. The owner could give all the orders from this hidden room.

“Han De Private School’s expansion was approved by Situ An. He should be behind this secret room.” The big dog poked his head in. His nose twitched. His paw lingered in the air, hesitating whether to enter the room or not. He was a dog that gave off the feeling of a cat.

“Situ An is here. I can sense it.” Gao Ming was certain. Once he said that, all the screens started to change. After a quick static, a man in a chair appeared on the screens. His body was punctured by strange tubes. He appeared to be ill. But even though his skin was rotting and he looked like he was dying, he sat up straight and was very calm, like everything was within his control.

“Situ An.”

Gao Ming thought he’d be angry or in pain when he saw Situ An’s face, but actually, he merely wanted to kill the man and trap him inside the torture room.

“Gao Ming, a student with average results from Class 13. Ranked 9 in class. A psychiatrist at Hen Shan Penitentiary, but you failed to pass your psyche exam since last month.” Situ An’s voice came from everywhere. It was impossible to tell his location.

“That’s a detailed investigation. Have you noticed me from the start?” Gao Ming had no idea what kind of script fate had given Situ An, but no matter what, only one of them could survive.


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