Chapter 182: Fate
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 182: Fate

“There should be a third cycle, and it had to do with the shadow world infiltrating the real world.” Gao Ming had to ask Gao Yun for more details, but it was not the time.

Gao Yun hadn’t clarified his stance or told Gao Ming what he needed to do. Perhaps he was being targeted by fate, or something unexpected happened. Gao Ming would not pursue this blindly. After he understood Gao Yun’s position, he knew what to do.

“Situ An, I have to eat Situ An!”

Blood pierced his pupils. Gao Ming stared at the spot where Doctor Lu melted. He gripped the death memory related to Situ An and awakened the slumbering God of Flesh and Blood. Situ An had been worshipping the God of Flesh and Blood. Even if he didn’t succeed, he still had God’s presence on him.

“It’s exactly as Granny Shen said. If I weren’t there to stop him, he’d become the God of Flesh and Blood.”

After Doctor Lu’s body fully disintegrated, a wisp of blood didn’t enter the giant shadow altar but silently retreated to the office building.

“Got you!” With the reminder from Gao Yun, Gao Ming gained the most important clue. He triggered the flood death portrait.

The murky waves gushed out. Big Dog rode on the waves and headed towards the office building. The big dog’s claws stepped on the shadow. Every sound and light was sucked into his body. At first, the investigators at the office building could still see Gao Ming, but he soon disappeared.

The sound of heartbeats came from deep inside the shadow skull. Situ An’s last sacrifice was a huge success. He sacrificed his own children to summon something from the shadow world. The skulls that contained the students’ negative emotions shattered. An arm reached out and crumbled the human bricks underground. It tried to grab Han De Private Academy, which was drifting away from the shadow world, through brute force.

“No matter who you are, once you’re here, you have to follow the rules.” The student council president pierced his fingers into his chest and tore off the skin around his chest. The first rule of the school rules was-- Every

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