Chapter 185: Worst Outcome
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 185: Worst Outcome

“A death portrait of the shadow world?” The big dog’s eyes narrowed. He picked up a heavy sense of danger. “Gao Ming, be careful of that picture!”

The big dog moved in the dark. He wanted to pull back Gao Ming to get him to calm down, but he missed his bite. Gao Ming didn’t stop. No matter what was before him, he would not stop progressing. Seeing Gao Ming’s bloodred eyes, the big dog felt afraid. He couldn’t imagine what kind of hatred turned Gao Ming into something like this. He tried to see something on Situ An’s face, but Situ An appeared more confused than he was. “What happened to him?”

The teachers in the death portrait walked out of the buildings in the picture. Like Gong Xi, their ears and mouths had been sewn shut. Only their eyes were exposed. These teachers were the central pillars of Han De Private School. Their every action affected all the students at the school. The moment the teachers appeared, brown scabs appeared on the skin of the God of Flesh and Blood. The teachers could transmute negative emotions into seeds and have them flourish anywhere into flowers that they liked. Situ An used these teachers to spread the seeds to fight for the control of the school against Gao Yun.

The scabs on God’s skin cracked. The seeds planted quickly germinated. There was countless energy tearing God apart from within. The roots of the seed even tried to infiltrate Gao Ming’s body through God. The best solution then was to retreat and then have the God of Flesh and Blood remove the seeds, but Gao Ming didn’t have time for that. He was cruel to others, but he was even more cruel to himself. Every chain in the torture room trembled. Gao Ming welcomed the roots into his heart.

“If none of you want to reincarnate and stay with me forever, then I welcome you.”

The pain of literal heartache couldn’t be taken by anyone. However, Gao Ming had experienced this many times. He even knew how to control his breathing to ease the pain.

“No one can save you!” Gao Ming had no idea how Situ An sucked all the teachers into th

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