Chapter 186: Situ An's Child
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 186: Situ An's Child

The storm fell on the black cars. The investigators stood outside the school like statues, holding various weapons. The static crackled in the cars. Giant spotlights turned the night into day. Everyone stood in the light’s shadow. They had accepted the orders from above.

The wall of Han De Private School collapsed, but it was still blocked off by roadblocks and metallic blockades. These prevention methods were useless against ghosts. They were used to stop the normal citizens. Light shone into the school. The students who were trapped inside the ghost school were excited. They waved their hands excitedly as they ran towards the supposed freedom.

“It’s the exit! Brother Jie, we can go home now!” Xi San hugged the child’s arm and jumped happily, “We’ve survived!”
“Don’t waste time! Go hide and find a vehicle!” Wang Jie slapped Xi San. He was even more nervous than before. “Quick!”

“But why?” Just as Xi San asked that, the gunshot echoed through the night. The students who rushed to the front were shot down. Their eyes that were possessed by Fear Illness showed confusion.

Xi San was shocked by the gunfire too. He looked at the gulf between the investigation centre and the school. Light shone in, but the light was not their guidance but to allow the centre to see the monsters more clearly.

From the moment they entered Han De Private School, they were not normal citizens but potential victims of ghost possessions. The investigation centre temporarily didn’t have a method to identify possession on a large scale. Therefore, the only thing they could do was seal up the area and shoot down anyone who tried to escape. The centre’s intention might not be to murder, but they had seriously misjudged the situation inside the school.

Level 4 Anomaly, Han De Private School, had fully lost control. The foundation of the school collapsed. Situ An had summoned an unknown creature from the shadow world. The Fear Illness had reached its final stage. Not only humans but ghosts also wanted to escape this place.

The initial shot was

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