Chapter 187: Blood and Flesh Resentment Room
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 187: Blood and Flesh Resentment Room

Situ An was a great person. He had a superpowerful memory, impressive executive power, and a high IQ and EQ. He knew how to disguise himself and possessed great personal charm. He was a madman who was cunning and cruel. However, everyone who followed him was extremely loyal. Even Doctor Lu hadn’t thought of betraying him. He had different tools to deal with different people. He had weaved an extremely large web in Han Hai for the past twenty years.

The chains cut into the child’s body. Gao Ming saw the faces of many big shots in the kid’s memory. Han Hai was worse than he thought. The city looked amazing on the surface, but its roots were already rotten.

There was the sound of shell cracking. The torture devices were drenched with blood. After the child’s surface memory was read, the core memory was eaten by Gao Ming and the God of Flesh and Blood too.

The owner of the fleshy resentment room was Situ An’s biological son. He had no name. He was fully controlled by Situ An once he was born. His mother died not long after he died. The resentment room was made with his mother’s body and stomach. Through reading the kid’s memory, Gao Ming saw many things about Situ An from the kid’s perspective. Be it as a father or as a husband, Situ An was a failure. He ignored all emotions. The marriage and conception were for a purpose. The child never felt any love from Situ An. When he was still in his mother’s stomach, he had already been infiltrated by shadow. Situ An sent something related to the shadow world into his wife’s stomach before the kid was born. The thing took over the kid’s body. It was part of their deal.

In terms of time, Situ An knew about the shadow world at least twenty years ago. He started to interact with the shadow world. He looked for anomalies in Han Hai, or rather, he was cultivating them. Si Sui Apartments was used to worship the God of Flesh and Blood, and the kids at Han De Private School were used to extend his afterlife longevity. They were all parts of his plan. At that point, Gao Ming’s breathing hal

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