Chapter 188: Fu Huo
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 188: Fu Huo

The investigation centre was an organisation with a complicated inside. It had immense power, but no one knew who the person in power was. Gao Ming had died many times. He was killed every time he managed to get to the core. He should know about the centre’s secrets, but he didn’t have the God of Flesh and Blood back then. He only retained his death memories.

“Currently, the headquarters is distracted by Ji Jie. It’s our chance to capture Situ An.” Wang Jie stared at the other car, and he came to a decision. “Whether we’re heroes or sinners depends on the conversation between the big shots. After we capture Situ An and exhaust his uses, we might have the chance to replace him to become the new chief of the east city!”

A ball of fire burned in Wang Jie’s eyes. That was his ambition. After experiencing this anomaly, he was more familiar with the investigation centre’s power. “It won’t take long for the centre to become the strongest presence at Han Hai.”

Different from Wang Jie and Gao Ming, Xi San only nodded. He didn’t need to think. He only followed his roommates’ orders.

“It looks like the headquarters will protect Situ An no matter what. However, the orders still need people to execute them. Now that the ghosts and flood have collapsed the formation, these investigators are helpless too.” Wang Jie’s eyes were scary. He was like a snake out on the hunt. “The student council is working with us. They purposely left behind an opening so that the investigation centre could chase after us… Xi San, switch off the headlights and let me drive.” The storm knocked against the car windows. Wang Jie undid his seatbelt and moved to the driver’s seat. Wang Jie noticed the route taken by the members of the student council. He turned the steering wheel and went down another direction.

“Are we not chasing the car anymore?” Xi San was confused.

“Put on your seatbelt.” Wang Jie’s hair waved. He gritted his teeth as his eyes turned bloodshot. “I’m going to drive ahead of them.”

Mud splattered everywhere. Wang Jie gripped the

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