Chapter 123: Ding Yuan
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 123: Ding Yuan

“If not returning to the hostel at night is 5 merits deduction. How many points will I lose for breaking out of the hostel after night?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t been to school.” The big dog raced in the dark after consuming Gao Ming.

The rain washed the black fur. The big dog leapt through the shadow, appearing every few meters. Hiding in the big dog, Gao Ming studied the school after dark. The rain dripped on the textbooks no one wanted. Knowledge became blurry. There were people running in the corridor. They looked like they were singing or dancing. The sound of breathing came from the classrooms. Wingless birds wandered under the dark clouds. Blood lines were like the stars of this world as they dropped from the roofs.

The puddles reflected the strange world. A giant claw splashed through the puddles.

Occasionally, the big dog appeared among the crowd, attracting many gazes. The young couples stood at the edge of the forest. Students with IDs climbed over the walls. The patrolling teachers ran in a hurry. The security guards picked up the cap and put it on their heads slanted.

The speakers in the school were broadcasting some dark ditty. The gentle voice was hidden in the rain. It didn’t care if people heard it or not. The fake models in the art room would clap for it.

The strangely dressed students worked hard in the classrooms. The light in the last study room at the library flickered. The pool rippled like a big fish was there.

The paintings of students appeared behind the blackboard. Old scripts were tossed out the window. Love letters were hidden in drawers.

Hiding in the big dog’s body, Gao Ming couldn’t believe his eyes. The shadow world had its own rules and an indescribable beauty.
“Every student who is active at night wears red uniforms.”

Without rules and limitations, the ‘mad’ unaccepted by society enjoyed the rain and darkness. Perhaps they might be killed in the next moment, but they chose to enjoy the present.

The big dog came to the office building and spat Gao Ming down. He hid in the

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