Chapter 124: Resentment Room, Haunted House, Yin Building
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 124: Resentment Room, Haunted House, Yin Building

The computer’s cold light shone on Ding Yuan’s face. The investigators in the headmaster’s office moved around to isolate Ding Yuan and his assistant. Li Biao only used his eyes to initiate the plan. The former partners silently reached for the knives hidden under their clothes.

The sharp knives were raised in the dark. Li Biao smiled as he looked at Ding Yuan’s exposed neck. “Ol Ding, it’s time for you to change your temper.”

Before the blades fell, the door of the office was flung open. A shadow flashed by.

“Someone’s outside!” Ding Yuan’s assistant shouted. He squeezed through the other investigators, dragged Ding Yuan out, and ran.

“Is the office building invaded by ghosts too?”

“Go out and check!”

The investigators ran out of the headmaster’s office. The shadow stood at the corner of the corridor, as if waiting for them.

“Chase!” The investigators spread in the office building. Ding Yuan gave chase until he was alone. Ding Yuan was experienced. He sensed something and stopped moving. “The changes have started. Stop hiding. I know you’re there.”

“You’re sensitive about ghosts but insensitive about humans.” Gao MIng walked out of the shadows. Ding Yuan’s focus was on the big dog, so he didn’t even notice Gao Ming was there.

“A student? No…” Ding Yuan touched the black band. “You are a citizen roped into this anomaly, but you don’t act like one.”

“I assimilate to situations quickly.” Gao Ming reached out his hand. “I’m Gao Ming, Li San Centre’s intern investigator.”

After some hesitation, Ding Yuan shook Gao Ming’s hand, “East City Investigation Centre, Huan Men District’s Captain, Ding Yuan.”

“Don’t you suspect me?” Gao Ming could see that Ding Yuan bore him no hostility, just confusion and suspicion.

“In the headmaster’s office, I already saw Li Biao’s knife. However, it was already too late. I purposely argued with Situ An to create an opening for my assistant to escape, but in the end, you saved both of us.” Ding Yu

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