Chapter 125: Big Ghost
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 125: Big Ghost

Situ An built Han De Private School to feed that unknown thing. He even worked hard to become Han Hai’s famous businessman and philanthropist. He was impressive, but his actions were extreme.

“He created this death realm, so why would he need our help?” Gao Ming asked.

“After the union, one party will disappear. I suspect the ghost Situ An breed has started to regret its decision.” Ding Yuan put away the lighter. “But that’s just my suspicion. All we can confirm now is that Situ An hasn’t achieved full control of the school. The areas he can influence include the office building, the math building and part of the lab building. They are locations you can access with the teacher’s ID.”

“The teacher’s ID represents one kind of rule. Do the student council badges represent another kind of rule?”

“Correct.” Ding Yuan looked at Gao Ming with admiration. “The student council represents the school’s real rules. Some of the staff, like the chefs, the guards and the hostel managers, follow the school rules.”

“Situ An has to have another trump card to be able to survive here for so long.” Gao Ming knew Situ An was not simple. However, his identity was too weak compared to Situ An before this. This time, he swore to eat Situ An fully.

“Perhaps. Situ An is very scary. I can’t read him.” Ding Yuan shoved the map and everything else into his bag. “Other than the two rules I mentioned, there are some ‘big ghosts’ that refuse to follow both rules. The death realm will attract nearby ghosts. These big ghosts are very powerful. You can see them as the third force.”

“Do you wish to leave the office building now?”

“Situ An wants to kill me. It’s unsafe for me to stay.” Ding Yuan picked up his bag. “I’ll bring you to meet a special big ghost.”
“You’re bringing me to meet a ghost?!” Ding Yuan was not as traditional as Gao Ming thought. He could even cooperate with ghosts.

Ding Yuan and Gao Ming had just come to the first floor when they heard Li Biao on the speaker. “Ol Ding, come to the headmaster’s office now. Even your assista

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