Chapter 126: Yan Xizhi
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 126: Yan Xizhi

Gao Ming shivered, being stared at by the old lady. Yan Xizhi’s eyes seemed to be able to see through everything.

“Are you a new student?” Yan Xizhi stopped before Gao Ming, “Why are there so many people sticking to you?”

Headmaster Yan’s words scared Ding Yuan. He trusted Gao Ming and believed he was Zuo Jun’s classmate. He knew Gao Ming had secrets, but he was still a living person.

“Headmistress Yan, the fact that they are not willing to leave me proves that I’m quite popular and can bring them a sense of security, right?” Gao Ming really believed that.

“Don’t you feel tired?” Yan Xizhi’s eyes shone with determination and sharpness. She did not seem approachable at first glance.

“Compared to your burden, what is mine?” Gao Ming’s eyes softened. “I’ve heard so many things about you since I was young. I wanted to be someone like you, loving, caring, and selfless. I want to use my power to help more people. I have been doing that.”

Even Ding Yuan couldn’t listen to this. He told everything about Yan Xizhi to Gao Ming only three minutes ago. Earlier, the kid wanted to kill at the office building, but he was like an obedient child before Yan Xizhi.

“Your mouth is sweet.” Ding Yuan didn’t expose Gao Ming. After all, he was still a living human.

After hearing that, the old lady’s fury lessened. “If my two sons have half of your kindness… this is all my fault for coddling them.”

The old lady tapped Gao Ming’s shoulder and looked at the darkness beside him. “Is this your pet?”

“No. He’s my best friend.” Gao Ming knew he couldn’t lie. “He lost his sight since he was born and then injured his ears. After he was abandoned by his biological parents, he was bought by a human trafficker and was forced to beg on the streets. He has a monster’s appearance but a kind heart.” Gao Ming knelt down to hug the big dog.

The big dog was speechless, but he knew that he couldn’t win Yan Xizhi in a fight, so he lay on the ground. He was huge, but he looked so weak.

“How much pain do you have to go through to have such a dangero

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