Chapter 127: Qiang Feng
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 127: Qiang Feng

Ding Yuan thought he had heard wrongly. He looked at Gao Ming silently. “Even big ghosts don’t dare to challenge the rules. As a human, you want to set up the new rules?! Are you insane?”

“Any rules require the executioners. Once we kill all the executioners, the rules will be obsolete, right?” Gao Ming’s thought was simple. But when he said these, he lowered his voice. He was worried that his image in Yan Xizhi’s eyes would be ruined.

“That’s theoretically correct.” Ding Yuan grabbed Gao Ming’s wrist. He could feel his pulse and warmth. “You are alive.”

“Naturally. Those swapped students are living in the shadows. They don’t dare to violate the rules.” Gao Ming rolled his eyes. “We’ll start with the blue rooms. If this is inconvenient for you, I’ll do it.”

Ding Yuan let go of Gao Ming’s wrist, and his wrinkles softened. He seemed to see hope in Gao Ming. In the anomalies, humans were always very passive, including seniors like Ding Yuan. Everyone’s focus was on how to minimise the damage to get more results. Very few actively tried to attack the anomalies.

“To be able to take root in a complicated district like Li San, your centre’s way of training is impressive.” Ding Yuan seemed to misunderstand something, and Gao Ming was too lazy to explain.

Yan Xizhi heard the words training and lifted her head to say, “Teacher Ding, are you two exchanging educational methods?”

“Situ An might come at any moment. We’re discussing how to protect the school.” Ding Yuan was still a bit afraid of Yan Xizhi. He showed great respect to the old lady.

“Protecting school is my responsibility. You should focus on the students. Do not let them be influenced by the changing environment.” Headmistress Yan thought of something. She searched among the shelves. A few minutes later, she walked over with a wooden box. “These are all the things most precious to me. You should share them with the other teachers to calm them.”

“Thank you, headmistress.” It was not Ding Yuan’s first time taking stuff from Yan Xizhi. He gave Gao Ming a look

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