Chapter 128: Humanity's Shiniest Moment
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 128: Humanity's Shiniest Moment

Once the centre was on Situ An’s side, endless investigators would stand in Gao Ming’s way, and Gao Ming didn’t want to see that.

After deciding on a meet-up code with Ding Yuan, Gao Ming left with the spare map. If he didn’t leave then, the big dog would probably stay with Yan Xizhi forever.

Gao Ming checked the blue areas of all the other big ghosts. Some places looked normal, but they were like Yan Xizhi’s storeroom. They needed to use special methods to enter the Resentment Room.

“The death realm is made up of many different Resentment Rooms. Many different ghost stories appear to become a spiralling story.”

Han De Private School hadn’t fully lost control because Situ An and his unknown ghost were in a conflict. When they reached a compromise or when one party ate the other, the school would go out of control.

The school was a cage. After the cage was open, the school would become the new contagion source of Han Hai.

The weak light appeared down the horizon. Gao Ming spent his first night at the school. He didn’t dare to go back to the bedroom but went to the canteen.

“The sun is coming up. My power is limited. The students here can use the rules to kill me.” The big dog felt threatened. He didn’t follow Gao Ming but hid inside the black-and-white picture. “The rules are stronger in the day. Why is that? Is it related to the students? Most of the students would be asleep at night.” Gao Ming thought about it. “As more people follow the rules, the more powerful the rules?”

Gao Ming thought about the game he made for Xuan Wen. As more people remembered Xuan Yuan, the harder it was for the shadow world to kill XUan Wen.

Gao Ming ordered his breakfast, and soon, the students came from the hostel building.

“They weren’t quiet the last time. I wonder how many of them are ghosts now.”

Once the night was over, the students started to send messages in the chat group. They asked about each other. In the end, they decided to meet up at the can

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