Chapter 129: Zuo Jun
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 129: Zuo Jun

“The number has changed, and Zuo Jun is part of the majority.”

Gao Ming didn’t get mad. He studied everyone in the classroom. After a scary night, the students reached a consensus. Be it humans or ghosts, they would work together to find the truth.

However, the teacher wrote the two numbers on the board. She reminded them directly that there were ghosts mixed among them. This made Qian Junran’s rallying words into jokes.

The only person with a confirmed identity was Zuo Jun.

If he said he was human, the majority were humans; If he were a ghost, then it was not optimistic. Humans might have to pretend to be ghosts to survive.

Everyone had a lot of opinions regarding Zuo Jun, but Zuo Jun shared the benefits of being in the majority. The class bell rang. The students had to resist their urge to question Zuo Jun and attend the class.

“None of you take this seriously. You are the worst batch of students I’ve taught.” The female teacher smacked the table. “I know you’ve heard that you’re going to Han Jiang for an event in a week, but I’m telling you. If you don’t do well this week, I’ll request the headmaster to cancel your qualification to attend the event!”
“Are we going to an event next week?” The students discussed it among themselves. Gao Ming was stunned because this was exactly how it was in the memory fragment of the 51st student! Was this a coincidence?

“Shush!” The young teacher walked to the window and pulled back the curtain. She pointed at the bus in the storm. “The best class has gone there one week ago. If you do well this week, this bus will bring you to Han Jiang one week from now.”

The students didn’t listen to what she said next. They were focused on leaving the school. They had been tortured for a whole night, and finally, they got a piece of good news.

“I will do anything as long as I can leave.” Fatty, who shared a room with Ma Tao, was especially active. His personality changed so much. In contrast, Ma Tao was fully silent with his head lowered.

“For the next week, you have to stick to thi

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