Chapter 130: Madness
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 130: Madness

“The killer is here!” Cao Song, the student who stayed back for a grade, shouted. When he was playing basketball yesterday, he saw Zuo Bo kill the other Zuo Bo.

The blood dried on his clothes. Zuo Bo looked unstable. He wore the patient’s garb underneath the white coat. He was both the doctor and the patient. He walked to his seat and sat down. Zuo Ba placed the bag beside his desk. He didn’t take out his book but placed the bloody knife on the table. The students didn’t get close to him. Even his deskmate, Xiong Di, was so scared.

Zuo Bo held the knife and mumbled to himself, “This is a large learned helplessness experiment. Despair and pain cannot be controlled. However, if we give up on the resistance, even if we have the chance to escape in the future, we’ll miss it due to habits!” “Zuo Bo…” Qian Junran’s eyes twitched. He covered his nose when he smelled the blood on Zuo Bo. “Are you alright?”

Zuo Bo slowly turned his head around. He glanced at Qian Junran and then at the numbers on the blackboard. “Don’t be afraid. This is false consensus bias. There are not that many ghosts and monsters. You think there are monsters all around you because there are monsters in your hearts.”

None of them could understand him and thought that Zuo Bo was crazy. Wang Jie nudged Gao Ming and whispered, “Do you understand what he’s saying?”

“I feel like Zuo Bo is more aware than most students. He has a point.”

Wang Jie frowned. There were two doctors in the class. One was insane, and the other one agreed with him.

The teacher on the podium stared at Zuo Bo. Then, she stood up and changed 32 to 33.

The students were shocked. Based on their prediction, the majority of the class was humans. They didn’t think Zuo Bo was still alive based on his appearance.

“Zuo Bo, are you… human or ghost?” Qian Junran asked directly.

“I am a human… and a ghost.” Zuo Bo revealed his teeth. He played with the knife. “There’s only one real human in this class. No…” He slowly turne

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