Chapter 131: PE
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 131: PE

Part of the truth from ten years ago was recovered. Zuo Jun only told the part beneficial to him and Situ An. He didn’t lie but told the selective truth. The others were so distracted by him that their anger towards him lightened.

“The past has already happened. The path has been picked.” Wang Jie held his chin. “Instead of being wrought by guilt, we should consider the present.”

“You’re right. What we need to do now is to attend the classes and take on the 51st student’s revenge and tests over the next week.” Zuo Jun looked down on them. “Listen to your orders, and the east city investigation centre will protect you. As long as you don’t purposely violate the rules, the bus will send you out a week later.”

“The only way to leave the school is through the bus. However, if we take the bus, we might face the same conundrum from ten years ago.” Gao Ming turned to look out the window. “If I want to take revenge on you, I will give you enough hope so that you’ll keep struggling. However, in the end, you’ll realise that hope is merely despair in a mask.”

Zuo Jun looked at Gao Ming, “Then, do you have other ways to leave the school?”

“If the east city centre really has the power to protect us, it wouldn’t have allowed us to be dragged in here in the first place.” Gao Ming looked at the rain outside. “Can we trust an organisation that tricked 50 living humans into entering a ghost’s trap?”

Zuo Jun hoped that the students would listen to him because the east city centre didn’t have the energy to control them. Gao Ming saw that and exposed it.

“At this place, you can only trust the east city centre.” Zuo Jun’s eyes turned dangerous as he threatened Gao Ming.

“You’re wrong. No matter where we are, the only person we can trust is ourselves.” Gao Ming drew a smiley face on the window. He knew far more than Zuo Jun.

No matter how smart Zuo Jun was, he wouldn’t have guessed that Gao Ming had visited the whole school in less than 24 hours. When the other students were asleep, Gao Ming escaped the hostel building, saved th

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