Chapter 122: Mommy
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 122: Mommy

With a trace of guilt, Gao Ming got up. He wanted to ask if the others in the bedroom heard the voice.

He reached his head out of the net. He looked around and realised something was wrong. The bedroom was too quiet. Gao Ming picked up his phone and noted it was already 11.50 pm. It must have been quite a while when he was absorbing that memory fragment.

“Is there no one around?”

He looked behind each net. Everyone was gone, and no one told him.

“In terms of value, I shouldn’t be the one abandoned. Did they see something crawl into my bed and escape?”

Gao Ming sent Xi San a message, “Are you at the toilet?”

Xi San, “???”

Gao Ming, “What’s wrong?”

Xi San, “Aren’t you in stall three?”

Gao Ming, “I’m still in the bedroom. Beware of the Gao Ming with you.”

Xi San, “No! You are not Gao Ming! You can’t trick me!”

Seeing the replies, Gao Ming was sure Xi San hadn’t been swapped. “If I don’t hurry there, Xi San might have a mental breakdown.”

Gao Ming planned to go to the headmaster’s office at midnight. However, before that, he wanted to get to know more about the ghosts at the school. Gao Ming carried his school bag and left.

Xi San stared at the screen. An indescribable fear enveloped him. When he received Gao Ming’s message, he knew that something was wrong. To test Gao Ming, he purposely said the wrong stall. Gao Ming was in Stall 2, and he was in Stall 3. If the other person didn’t even notice this, then it couldn’t be Gao Ming!

After giving himself a pat on the back, Xi San was in another conundrum. What if Gao Ming was really still back in the bedroom and the one with him was the ghost? Who should he trust? Gao Ming said that they might receive messages from ghosts after midnight. However, there were still minutes to midnight. Who was lying?

Hiding inside the stall, Xi San didn’t feel safe at all. His breathing intensified.

Should he run out?

Xi San touched the lock. He noticed that there was a barely-discernible hole under the partition. Xi San slowly knelt down and moved his eyes to the hole.

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