Chapter 10: Family
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 10: Family

Normal people would scared and panicky when they encountered a horror story. A careless mistake would lead to death. Gao Ming was the other kind. He predicted the worst outcome and then lowered his expectations to the maximum before making his move.

2409 Fang Shuqi, “Bad things might have already happened to Brother Wang and Xiao Qiu. The rest of us have to stick together, and maybe we could survive. I hope Zhao Xi’s family will explain themselves. His return to this apartment has to do with you!”

2304 Li Li, “Even though Zhao Xi was found on the streets, we’ve already treated him as family. You people keep on calling him Brother Zhao, but I know you look down on him! You created rumours behind him and said that I had an affair with him. Do you think I don’t know that? Zhao Xi was forced to death by you!”

Li Li’s screen started to shake. She was very scared. She carried her child and opened the living room door. The dead body was on the second floor, and she was on the third floor. She didn’t dare to go down, so she wanted to go up to hide with others. Zhao Xi’s adopted mother flowed behind Li Li. Tears slid down her wrinkles. The basket she carried was filled with paper money.

“Why are you taking those things with you? You’re the reason why he’s back!” Li Li lectured Zhao Xi’s mother. The sound of crawling came from the dark corridor like several hands were climbing up the stairs. Li Li screamed in fear. She abandoned the old lady and her phone and started to run. The camera shook, and nothing could be seen.

2409 Fang Shuqi, “Li Li, did you abandon your mother-in-law?”

2501 Huang Mingming, “How about we go to the rooftop and stay together? It’s not a solution to hide in our own rooms.”

2607 Jia Qi, “No! Then, we’ll trap ourselves on the roof!”

2707 Yao Yuan, “My house is closest to the staircase. Everyone can come to me first.”

2409 Fang Shuqi, “Teacher Yao, have you recovered?”

Everyone was shocked to see Yao Yuan speak to the camera. Yao Yuan was 70 plus, and he was a retired police academy teacher. He

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