Chapter 11: Rules
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 11: Rules

The horrors manifested through the phone, and the encroaching nightmare helped Gao Ming identify the game that had been turned into reality.

Zhao Xi was similar to the main character from My Only Family. One was hardworking, and the other was lazy, but their situations were so similar. They had family and friends, but behind closed doors, only they knew how horrid their families were.

“Other than Zhao Xi, I haven’t discovered the dead bodies of any of the neighbours. I only heard voices. The videos on the phone might have been imagined. The neighbours who were killed were those who looked down on Xiao Xi.” Gao Ming knew a thing or two about the situation in Building Two from the aunties at the resident centre.

1st floor’s Wang Kuisheng was a small business owner. He stayed at Li Jing Apartments to avoid debts; 2nd floor’s Xiao Qiu was unemployed. She was the one who started the rumours about Xiao Xi and his sister-in-law; 3rd floor’s Fang Shuqi was a tech worker at the port. He was the one Zhao Xi tried to save in the process of breaking his leg.

Negative pressure from all sides gathered to break someone. In the end, Zhao Xi walked into the night sky.

“My Only Family has three endings. To trigger the good ending, I have to get Zhao Xi to break his own phone.” The phone was playing those videos because Zhao Xi wanted to see him. Gao Ming decided to face his fears, and to do that, he had to shake off the influence brought on by the victim’s phone.

“I can’t do this alone.” Gao Ming stepped on the shattered glass and stopped before Room 2707. “If Teacher Yao is not home, then the video of Room 2707 is different from real life; If Teacher Yao is home, then either my hypothesis is wrong, or Teacher Yao is another living human inside this game.”

Gao Ming knocked on the door of Room 2707. Before the door opened, the door of Room 2706 eased open a gap. Gao Ming immediately readied to leave.

“Don’t worry. It’s me.” A familiar and scary face appeared behind the door. The investigator waved at Gao Ming. “Don’t just sta

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