Chapter 12: Idea
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 12: Idea

Black stains covered the ground. The sound of nail scratching signified that something was approaching. Han Fei left Room 2706 and knocked on Room 2707. “Teacher Yao, I’m Xiao Gao from the fourth floor. We talked about planting flowers in the past.”

“Why won’t you listen to me?” The investigator was anxious seeing this. “The corridor is very dangerous! The neighbours might have been swapped out. We could run into ghosts at any moment! Get back!”

“The elder in Room 2707 is heavily ill, but…”

“There’s no but!” The investigator grabbed Gao Ming’s collar. “Don’t think about saving others when you’re caught in an anomaly. You should be thankful to escape alive. Bring out useful info, and that will be our biggest contribution to the city!”

He pulled, but Gao Ming wouldn’t budge. “Stop being a saint! You don’t understand how scary this is! You’ll get everyone killed!”

Gao Ming didn’t want to waste time explaining. He grabbed the doorknob, and his voice chilled. “Teacher Yao, I know you’re in there. If you don’t open the door, I’ll knock it down.”

The investigator wanted to say something more, but what Gao Ming said gave him pause.

The doorknob turned, and the old door was pushed open. Teacher Yao looked at Gao Ming through his glasses. “Come in.”

“Don’t enter random people’s houses! If the neighbour has been killed by ghosts, then we will face…” Before he could finish, he was dragged into Room 2707 by Gao Ming. He looked at the closed down with an open mouth.

“I got your message. I’ve shut down the camera and microphone.” Teacher Yao covered the camera with his black-gloved hand.

“This is an emergency, so I’ll cut it short.” Gao Ming took out Zhao Xi’s phone. “I suspect the normal-looking neighbours in the chatgroup. They are all fake. They only appear in the chatgroup.”

“You are in a chatgroup without me knowing?” The investigator was shocked.

“I don’t get it. Are you and me not real?” Teacher Yao was a police academy teacher. He had experienced many things, but the incidents that night had exceeded his expec

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