Chapter 13: Talk
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 13: Talk

When Gao Ming said he would talk to the victim, the investigator and Teacher Yao thought they had heard wrongly. The victim who killed himself three days ago had returned to the apartment. He murdered all the tenants in the video, but Gao Ming wanted to have a heart-to-heart chat with him.

“Have you lost your mind?” The investigator poked Gao Ming’s arm. He could feel body warmth. “You haven’t been swapped! Why are you acting stranger than ghosts?”

Those who had been swapped would try their best to hide themselves. Gao Ming didn’t even act. He was so honest that his teammates were scared.

“The real hostile ghosts will butcher you at your home. They wouldn’t waste time scaring us through videos. As an experienced psychiatrist, this is more like Gao Ming asking us for help. He hates himself and can’t escape it.” Gao Ming didn’t tell them the real reason.

In the game, My Only Family, the phone created a happy family for the main character. However, the main character was a lazy and selfish man. The scene created by the phone was something the male character would never achieve. Zhao Xi’s situation was the opposite. His phone created a scary reality. When he was alive, he worked hard and without complaints. He was always thankful to his adoptive mother. Even after Zhao Xi lost himself, he wouldn’t do the things created on the phone.

“The game is meshing with reality. If I didn’t actively trigger the horror and allow it to grow, then the tragedy on the phone might happen.”

Gao Ming had the investigator and Teacher Yao enter Room 2607. “Gao Ming will reach this floor soon. I need help from the two of you.”

“What is it?” Teacher Yao held the toolbox. “I’m very ill, and I won’t be long for this world, so just say what you need.”

“Gather everything that is made with cloth. Twirl them into a rope and slide it down the balcony window.” Gao Ming ran into the bedroom and started to work. “The two of you can stay here. I’ll go to Room 2507 to wait for Zhao Xi. I’ll have a nice talk with him on the balcony.”

“Ghosts have

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