Chapter 14: Picture of Family
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 14: Picture of Family

Zhao Xi’s phone slid out of his wound and fell on the ground through the rain. The height of the five floors caused the phone to shatter. Zhao Xi used the phone to record segments of his life. He spoke to himself through it. He was envious of life. The darkness buried in his heart disappeared that rainy night. The clothes were wet. Gao Ming only started climbing when he heard the phone hit the ground.

“Hold on tight! Why would you jump?”

“Be careful! You still have to go through the fifth-floor window!”

The investigator and Teacher Yao’s upper bodies were wet from rain. They tried their might to pull Gao Ming up. Gao Ming did everything he could. Could this be considered having Zhao Xi destroy his own phone?

Zhao Xi, on the fifth-floor balcony, looked at Gao Ming numbly. His gaze was different from before. The numbness was replaced by confusion and pain.

Family, family and neighbours confused him. He couldn’t figure it out, and that brought him to the edge of the window. No one cared about him. People still complained about him even after his death. Because of his death, the real estate price dropped. In the last period of his life, he met many people, and everyone kept pushing him to the window. Gao Ming was the only difference.

The thing broadcasted on the phone was the things Zhao Xi wanted to do. It was the malice inside the honest man’s heart. But now, he had personally destroyed that malice.

Thick darkness seeped out of his body. That seemed to be Zhao Xi’s connection to the unknown world. It was also a mysterious power.

Zhao Xi lifted his head and looked around. Room 2507 was his home. That night, he also stood alone like this. Gao Ming’s body was held by the rope. He stared at Zhao Xi inside the room and made a split decide.

He stepped on the window of Room 2507. He adjusted his posture and released the rope. He reentered the room. The investigator and Teacher Yao were stunned. Even Teacher Yao cursed, “The fuck is he doing?”

“This is the first time I encounter something like this.” The investigat

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