Chapter 15: Levels
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 15: Levels

Upon closer inspection, this death portrait of Zhao Xi was different from the others. The picture was covered in wrinkles and tears. All the traces converged at the chain that bonded Zhao Xi and Gao Ming.

“The black chains appear to be moving…”

Zhao Xi was blurry in the picture. He appeared to be sending something to Gao Ming through the chains.

“The words behind the portraits appear to be hints. To gain Zhao Xi’s power, I need to let more people know about his past to help him put down his resentment.

“But what is Zhao Xi’s power? Immune from fall damage?
“There are big differences between death portraits. It looks like I still have many things to learn.”

Gao Ming put away the two portraits. He planned to bring all the pictures with him when he entered the game next. It would also be the perfect chance for the family to know each other.

“I wonder if Qi Yan is still alive or not. I should warn Zhao Xi and Teacher Yao that a dangerous Rainy Night Killer is hiding in the apartment.”

The corridor lit up. Gao Ming returned to the fifth floor. As he pushed the door open, he saw Xuan Wen throw the investigator over her shoulder.

“Don’t your center teach combat?”

The investigator thought Gao Ming would come to help him, but Gao Ming’s words choked him. “We… We… will never harm normal people.”

“So principled!” Gao Ming entered the room and locked the door. “Now, no one can hear us. We should be more open with each other.”

Xuan Wen glanced at Gao Ming. She became angry. She pinned the investigator’s arm and scolded, “Why are you at my home?”

“It’s going to break! Let me go, and I’ll explain it to you!” The investigator stumbled many times before he got up. “The two of you can be considered to be witnesses, so it’s pointless to hide this from you.” He rubbed his wrist and shared everything he knew with them.

“I’m curious. You said these strange things happened at Xin Lu half a year ago. Why hasn’t anyone found anything?” Xuan Wen’s voice was mellifluous. If he weren’t just assaulted, the investigator would think

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