Chapter 16: Parents with Cakes
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 16: Parents with Cakes

Gao Ming jogged back home through the rain. His day was very fulfilled. It was much more exciting than working at the prison.

Gao Ming closed the door and placed the death portraits on the table. “When the horror game is fully combined with reality, will the people in the portraits come back? But will they still be themselves?”

Gao Ming looked at Teacher Yao. He was worried that the elder wouldn’t be suited for life there. When he triggered the horror next, he would bring Zhao Xi and Teacher Yao’s pictures with him. The night was dark as ink. After a whole day of not eating, Gao Ming opened the fridge. However, he had no appetite. The event from the first game still scarred him.

“Maybe I can order take-aways. After the tragedy happens, this luxury might not be there anymore.” Gao Ming took out his phone. He blanked out, staring at the phone’s starting screen. His screen saver was a picture taken at Xin Lu’s home. It was Gao Ming and his parents sitting at the dining table. He went home on a work holiday.

His mother still wore the apron as she carried the dishes out of the kitchen. She was grumbling about finding him a date after Gao Ming settled down at his work. While his mother was distracted, his father sneaked a gulp of beer. Gao Ming nodded helplessly as his mother nagged him.

The picture was very happy, but Gao Ming pulled on his hair in pain. The picture was normal, but… who took it?
The phone was very far away, and it didn’t look like it was taken on a self-timer. There seemed to be a fourth person in the house at the time, but Gao Ming couldn’t remember who.

“The investigator said that the communication would be lost in an anomaly, but I had received calls from my parents during the three days I were trapped. They sounded so normal…” Gao Ming didn’t dare to think further.

“The anomaly started at Xin Lu half a year ago. Has it always been someone else who has been talking to me?”

Gao Ming was familiar with his family, and he was a psychiatrist. It wouldn’t be easy to fool him. The storm blocked the r

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