Chapter 17: Mission
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 17: Mission

“Each death portrait should have its own way of triggering. After mastering that, I should be able to share everything with my family.” After Gao Ming finished eating, he placed the death portraits around him.

“If I can have my ghost parents send me cake whenever I want, then they can help protect me. But to survive in the chaos, I need more helpers.”

Xuan Wen’s face flashed across Gao Ming’s mind. The murderous woman had killed all the female characters and found Gao Ming. Her plan was quick and accurate. She was very scary. She was influenced by the unknown world due to Gao Ming’s game. She became twistedly in love with Gao Ming. However, she was actually very self-observant. Perhaps that was why she wanted to strengthen herself, to shake off Gao Ming. Xuan Wen was a very nice ‘colleague’. Gao Ming wanted to help her, but they were merely colleagues.

“There are many people like Wen Xuan in my games.” Gao Ming thought back to the games he had modelled after real cases. “There are devils, mad people and perverts among the 36 criminals. However, there were a few who were forced to touch blood. They might not act on violence in the real world.”

No one was born a criminal. Many criminal desires accumulated over time. Some crazy people with unbalanced brain chemistry might grow up to become elite with love from their family; some naturally kind people might become monsters being forced by the environment.

If possible, Gao Ming wanted to edit some of the tragedies he had written. The world was large, so it would be hard to find those criminals. Gao Ming memorised the investigator’s numbers. It was not a good idea to borrow the centre’s power. But he didn’t want to be dragged into the power whirlpool. Gao Ming sunk into the couch as he listened to the rain outside. He worked until very late. He didn’t dare to sleep in his bedroom. Eventually, he was defeated by drowsiness. He grabbed a blanket and slept on the couch.

At 5 am, Gao Ming was woken up by knocking. After he sat up, he didn’t hurry to open the door. H

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