Chapter 18: So Damn Good
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 18: So Damn Good

Gao Ming believed that the Nightlight Gaming Studio’s horror games would definitely be popular because the players wouldn’t take long to realise that they were not playing a game but a survival manual.

“If you’re really that worried, we can just work on Xuan Wen’s line and make it into a demo. We’ll use it to test the waters.” Gao Ming projected the latest proposal on the screen. “I have always believed that we’re the best team, but the clients don’t seem to think so. If we follow the client’s request blindly, it’ll destroy the uniqueness of our games. That’s why I suggest a demo.”

“If we restart everything now, we don’t have enough time. Why don’t we follow Gao Ming’s idea?” Wei Dayou removed his headphones and bounced Xia Yang with his shoulder. “Ol Xia, what do you think?”

“The clients are doing this for money. We only need to prove to them that our games can earn money.” Xia Yang looked at the big screen. He knew Gao Ming’s design style, but he still took a cold breath. Compared to before, Gao Ming added a lot of details like he had personally experienced it. “How did you come up with these designs?”

“I had three days of cakes with my parents.”

Manager Gou hesitated to say something, seeing so eager his people were. As an experienced member, he could see the draw of Gao Ming and Xuan Wen’s designs. He also knew that Nightlight was best at horror games. However, he had promised the client to do a dating sim to follow the market trend.

“Manager Gou, trust me. We’ll succeed this time.” Gao Ming stood at the front. Wei Dayou and Xuan Wen stood behind him. The three generations of designers stated, “We’ll only do Xuan Wen’s plot for the demo. If it doesn’t garner any attention, we’ll delete it and go back to a normal dating sim.”

Manager Gou eventually conceded. Nightlight Studio was like a well-oiled machine, but Manager Gou couldn’t get happy seeing this. Gao Ming printed more than ten copies of old cases. The crime scene pictures covered the gaming studio and almost covered up the slogan for the dating sim

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