Chapter 19: God of Flesh and Blood
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 19: God of Flesh and Blood

“What is wrong with Manager Gou?” Gao Ming was confused. Ever since 5.41 pm, Manager Gou kept calling him, but his focus was on Xuan Wen.

“There have been more than one thousand downloads. Do you feel anything different?” Gao Ming didn’t have his own workplace. He moved a paper box and sat beside Xuan Wen, looking nervously at her.

“There’s a lot of noise in my head.” Xuan Wen lowered her head to look at her hands. She had maintained this pose for a long time already.

“Noises?” Gao Ming wrote down Xuan Wen’s ‘symptoms’. “Can you hear what they’re saying?”

“No. But these voices contain various emotions. They can make my consciousness more complete and isolated.” Xuan Wen grabbed the handle of the chair tightly. “Since I’ve opened my eyes, there would be black shadows around me that only I could see. They tried their best to drag me back to the original world as if trying to correct my fate. The voices from these players are like threads, binding me closer to the real world.”

“The info provided by the investigation centre did say that the ghosts from the ghost stories can grow control from feeding on negative emotions until they go out of control.” Gao Ming studied Xuan Wen, “Do you feel like losing control?”

“It’s annoying being bombarded by so many voices. It’s like schizophrenia. However, I believe I can get used to it.” Xuan Wen lifted her head. Her left eye was bloodshot. The crazy thing was the blood tried to crawl out of her socket.

“Big Sister, your face looks like you’re more than annoyed!” Gao Ming took the sleeping mask from the drawer and handed it to her.

“If you keep calling me your big sister, then I’ll lose control.” Xuan Wen took out a mirror from her bag. She put on the mask and dragged Gao Ming to the office.

“Don’t you want to go home to hide?”

“It’s fine.” Xuan Wen walked out of the office and stopped before the storage room. “If a horror takes over one thousand living humans in real life, tragedy will happen. As the core of the horror, I will lose control. The one thousand people will

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