Chapter 20: Milk Tea
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 20: Milk Tea

Su Mo had always been a hardworking person. He was always at the front of the class ranking. He studied seriously and then took a part-time job when he was free. Su Mo didn’t have unrealistic hopes. He only wished to get into one good company after graduation and help share the burden of his family. Even though Su Mo hadn’t graduated, he did think about his future work life…

“Did you hear me?”

Gao Ming’s tone chilled. Su Mo shivered. The young man’s life flashed before his eyes.

“No!” Su Mo immediately shook his head. “I didn’t hear anything!”

“Don’t be too curious.” Gao Ming used his body to block the door. “This world is more complicated than you think. Go home early. Don’t work too late.”

“Yes. Yes.” Su Mo grabbed his helmet and ran. He was faster than last time. Su Mo rushed into the elevator. He pressed for the door to close. He only sighed when the grey elevator doors closed.

“The workplace is too crazy.”

The office building’s air-conditioning was strong. Su Mo wiped away the sweat on his forehead. In the booth, two men, one tall and one short, whispered to each other. “The night before last, there was a programmer on the 11th floor who died from overtime. His colleagues thought he was asleep. They left his body there for a while before they realised something was wrong.”

“That’s so scary. This industry is too much. The salary we get is not enough to pay for medical bills.”

“Do you know what’s scarier?” The young man lowered his head. “I heard from my friend that when he left that office last night, he saw someone working in the office. He wanted to leave the lights on. But the person suddenly said, it’s alright. I can see without the lights.”

“The fuck? Did the dead programmer come back?”

“I have no idea! My friend was stunned. Then, he realised that person was sitting at the victim’s table, and the monitor was filled with random codes!”

The elevator shook. The two men walked out, and Su Mo was alone. He stared at the numbers on the panel. The story he heard echoed in his mind. The numbers change

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