Chapter 9: Neighbours
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 9: Neighbours

A light smell of decay lingered in the air. The whole room felt like it was consumed by darkness. The familiar suffocation returned. Gao Ming knew that he had returned to the location where the two worlds overlapped.

“Xuan Wen’s method was right. This is the correct way to actively trigger the Horrors.”

Avoiding the gaze of the dead body, Gao Ming turned back to the living. The four candles were out. The room felt like it had stilled in the moment the victim killed himself.

“Where’s Xuan Wen?”

There was only Gao Ming in the room. The murderous woman who wanted to enter the game with him had disappeared. “Has she left? Or she can’t even get in here?”

The gooey shadow flooded his body like a black sea. Gao Ming stood there and tried to calm down. He needed to figure out which of his games had become the reality.

“The dead body appeared downstairs. In terms of space, this game is much larger than the one I cleared. At least it involves the entire Building Two.

“Brother Zhao had talked with me many times. I also designed many mini-games for him to relax his mind. What were them…” The sound of phone vibration interrupted Gao Ming’s thoughts. He slowly pushed open the bedroom door and saw a phone on the bedside table. The case was yellowed and old. The charger port was dirty with stains and hair. The phone was not locked, and a new message popped up. “I’ve seen Zhao Xi with this phone when I talked to him.”

Gao Ming clicked on it and realized that Zhao Xi had joined the chat group for tenants of Building Two, Close Neighbours.

Earlier, Mr. Wang on the first floor sent three videos to everyone in the group. He stood on his balcony and took videos of Zhao Xi’s dead body at a close distance. The victim landed with his head first. His face was misshapen. His neck was prolonged. The shattered bones punctured the skin.

2101 Wang Kuisheng, “I saw Zhao Xi being pulled away with my own eyes! How did his carcass return? What is going on?”

The chatgroup exploded. Some tried to call the police. Some wanted to go out to ch

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