Chapter 8: Return
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 8: Return

“Why do you say this place is dangerous? Isn’t it a normal home?” The investigator was anxious seeing how casual Gao Ming was.

“The original tenant here committed suicide. Don’t stay here because the rent is low.” The investigator’s face was too ruined to tell his expression, but from his tone, there was a huge problem with Room 2507.

“Why? Was Brother Zhao murdered? Didn’t he kill himself?”

“Don’t ask why!” Sweat slid down his scars. The investigator pointed at his face. “If you don’t want to become like me, then move out now!”

Clearly, the investigator knew something, and this made Gao Ming even more curious. “You have to give us a better reason.” Normal people wouldn’t just move away because some stranger told them to.

“This is not just you. Before the source of the anomaly is found, all the people on this floor will be temporarily relocated.” The investigator remembered Gao Ming from the night before. He felt he was not easily fooled. “You’ve detained the Rainy Night Murderer. I admit that you’re brave, but some dangers are invisible! It is those things who are behind the cases at old city!”

“You mean…” Gao Ming narrowed his eyes. Normal people would be frightened by the investigator’s face, but he was very interested in him.

“The more you know, the easier it is for you to be caught by them. Listen to me. This is for your own good. I hope you can trust me.” The investigator persuaded them. Gao Ming and Xuan Wen did not move. “You two are really stubborn! You won’t move until you see death in the face!”

Gao Ming had no idea what he’d do if he saw death, but he was sure Xuan Wen would be excited to meet death.

“Since you are not willing to move, you have to remember what I’ll tell you next.” The investigator had no choice but to give them some advice instead. “Throw away everything used by the previous tenant. Do not mimic the dead, no matter day or night. Do not have the same emotion as he did.”

“I can understand throwing away the stuff, but what do you mean by not mimicking the dead?” Gao Ming was con

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