Chapter 7: Tickets
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 7: Tickets

Room 2507 was basically the same as before. Everything Brother Zhao owned remained. The dresser, the coffee table, the couch, all the furniture was there. Brother Zhao was a frugal person, and his place was spartan. The place felt deserted and unlived.

Rain pattered on the window. The sky was dark even though it was only 6 pm. Xuan Wen did not turn on the light. She walked to the balcony and looked down at the apartments’ shared yard.

After some thought, Gao Ming also entered Room 2507. His eyes were soon attracted by the living room wall. At the most obvious spot, there was a giant picture frame covered by a black cloth.

“Do you want to know what that is?” Xuan Wen did not turn around, but she knew what Gao Ming was thinking. “You can remove the cloth.”

Gao Ming pinched a corner of the cloth and lightly pulled. As the cloth fell, a giant black-and-white wedding picture appeared before him. Gao Ming and Xuan Wen in the picture smiled brilliantly. However, Gao Ming was in colour while Xuan Wen, including her exaggerated wedding dress, was black-and-white.

“Another death portrait?” Gao Ming had no idea when he had taken this wedding picture with Xuan Wen.

“Do you remember now?” Xuan Wen turned around. Her smile was still gentle, but her presence was very abnormal. Secret sunk in her beautiful eyes.

“What happened in the tunnel on the night of the Hungry Ghost Festival?” Gao Ming stayed close to the front door so he could book it at any time.

“You took a car you should not have and went to a place you shouldn’t.” Xuan Wen looked at Gao Ming with extreme love. It scared Gao Ming, but it also felt very familiar. “You have forgotten everything in the tunnel. That’s your body protecting you because your subconscious refuses to accept the horrible truth.”

“Then, how would you know what happened in the tunnel? You should have appeared because of my game. Timeline-wise, you should not know about the tunnel.” Gao Ming retreated to the door.

“Because I sent you home that night.” Xuan Wen took another step forward. “D

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