Chapter 6: Faces and Cases
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 6: Faces and Cases

“First my parents came home every night, and now, people are calling me hubby. I only passed by a tunnel on the Hungry Ghost Festival, and I’ve found my whole family.” Gao Ming’s face paled as he watched Xuan Wen walk away. He was sure that Xuan Wan was similar to his parents. They were made from some unknown.

“Not only did she know about the tunnel, but she also managed to guess that I’d come here to delete the game files.” Gao Ming slowly returned to normal after Xuan Wen disappeared around the corner. The fat cat returned to life and curled behind Gao Ming.

“Since the roads are blocked, the only way I can know the truth is through Xuan Wen.” Gao Ming calmed down. “But Xuan Wen is different from the parents. She doesn’t seem limited by anything, and she can walk through the city freely in the daylight…”

“Fa Cai! Why are you here?” Wei Dayou picked up the cat with one hand. He rubbed the cat as he joked with Gao Ming, “Gao Ming, why don’t you stay? See. Even Fa Cai doesn’t want you to go.”

“No. It’s more like it cares too much about its life.” Gao Ming saw the cat play dead before his eyes. “Dayou, I know you’re a good person, so I’ll give you more advice. Do not leave your house after dark and stay away from the new worker.”

“I know how chaotic things are from the news. Don’t worry. You need to look after yourself. If you need anything, call me. We’ve been partners for years already.” No matter how hard Fa Cai struggled, Wei Dayou brought it back to the office. The fat cat grabbed the glass door with its claws as it meowed at Gao Ming outside the office.

“You’ll see the real hell if you follow me.” Gao Ming smiled sadly. “This cat is clever but not too much.”

Gao Ming didn’t go straight home after leaving the studio. He came to the bus station and looked at the city map. Han Hai was a unique city. It was split into 19 zones. The most advanced east city was home to millionaires from all over the world. It was filled with beautiful skyscrapers and luxury that normal people could barely imagine. The old city

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