Chapter 5: To Our Transient Love
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 5: To Our Transient Love

As Hen Shan Penitentiary’s criminal psychiatrist, Gao Ming was under a lot of pressure every day. Making games was a way for him to relax. He would put the horrible things he heard and imagined into the games. It was a way for him to share his fear with others. In a way, he was a kind person.

“My greatest dream in the past was to turn all of my ideas into games so that everyone in the world can experience the charm of thrillers…” Making dreams into reality should be something happy, but Gao Ming did not expect his dream to happen like this.

Gao Ming carried the box with his documents into the bathroom and took out a lighter. The flame consumed his effort. Gao Ming’s dream went up in flames. After cleaning up the ashes, Gao Ming returned to the office. He hoped that Manager Gou would allow him to delete all the soft copies on the computer. The games that had not been invested were deleted easily. However, some were already in the process of programming. One such example was the dating sim discussed earlier. The game was called ‘To our Transient Love’. Manager Gou used his connections and a lot of effort to fight for this. He valued this game a lot, seeing it as the tool to help the studio shift its focus.

“Gao Ming, it’s fine to delete the other games but not this dating sim.” Manager Gou put down the thermal cup and frowned sadly, “Our studio depends on this game. We’ve cooperated for years already. You don’t want us to lose our jobs, right? I’m already over 40. I have a family. I’ve signed the contract. If I don’t finish this game, my family will be homeless.” Gao Ming could understand Manager Gou, but he still shook his head. Manager Gou only signed a contract with the investor. If this game were made, he would sign a contract with the King of Hell. Other games wanted money from the players, but his games wanted the player’s souls.

“How about this?” Gao Ming turned to the computer. “Most of To our Transient Love was designed by Dayou. I merely provided him with some ideas about the crimes. We can leave eight

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