Chapter 4: Nightlight Gaming Studio
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 4: Nightlight Gaming Studio

The storm was still raging. Gao Ming didn’t feel scared. He just felt complicated. The sun was coming up. Gao Ming searched online and realized that roads were blocked due to flood and avalanche. There was no vehicle that would go to the tunnel that intersected between Han Jiang, Xin Lu and Han Hai.

“Hopefully, that tunnel is not blocked off by the avalanche.”

Unable to figure out why his game had become a reality, Gao Xing could only accept this absurdity for now. “I wonder if I still have time to delete those game designs. It looks like I have to rush to Nightlight Gaming Studio.” When he was a part-time game designer, he collaborated many times with Nightlight Gaming Studio. He wanted to delete all of his game designs to see if it’d save the situation.

After a simple breakfast, Gao Ming placed the two pictures into his backpack. He put the raincoat on and headed out. The storm washed the city. Dark clouds covered everything. Gao Ming took a taxi to the north of Han Hai City. Based on his original plan, after he quit his job, he would become a real designer at Nightlight Gaming Studio. The reason why he wanted to be in this career was simple. There was no horror game matching his taste on the market, so he wanted to make one himself.

At 9 am, Gao Ming found the office for the studio under the direction of the cleaning aunty. Nightlight Gaming Studio belonged to the nation’s largest gaming platform, Magic Map Tech. It was one of the many studios working under Magic Map Tech. The company focused mainly on horror games, but it was attempting a genre change.

“Have you people lost your mind?!” Through the glass door, Gao Ming could hear the roars from inside the office. He looked into the door. Several workers were seated in the office. A game was playing on the big screen before them. A normal-looking male character was silently looking at his death recording while he was playing a spirit’s game with his dead wife.

“The client requests a new dating game! And this is what you give me after two weeks?!” The manag

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