Chapter 3: Home
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 3: Home

Sitting under the living room lights, Gao Ming studied the two pictures, trying to find clues.

“The home mentioned in the pictures should point to the world where the strange parents came from.

“The first picture said that I’m now a parent and have a key to the house. The key shouldn’t be an actual object but a power to make my game part of reality.

“The strange parents entered the real world through my game. The parents might not be their real appearance but a form they took in the real world.”

Gao Ming took down notes. His head pounded, and he massaged his temples. “The anomalies are related to that tunnel! When the sun comes up, I should go there. Perhaps I can find something.”

Gao Ming studied the second picture. A few minutes later, Qi Yan’s expression became even more fearful, and cracks appeared on his body.

“Qi Yan’s soul has been dragged to the strange mother’s world. In less than three minutes, he’s already in a worse state. This home is very scary.”

Gao Ming called the police after putting the pictures away. He didn’t want Qi Yan to die at his home.

“Hello. I wish to call the police. The Rainy Night Murderer is at my home.”

After a quick silence, the receptionist asked nervously, “Are you in danger? Don’t worry. Don’t do anything to provoke him. Is he still around you? Tell him to name his demands. We’ll ensure your safety!”

Gao Ming turned around to look at the bound and bloody Qi Yan. He sighed. “Just come quickly. I fear he won’t be able to hold on much longer.”

While waiting for the police, Gao Ming surfed the internet on his phone. Technically, if a bus went missing, it should be on the news, but he couldn’t find anything. He checked the official website for the traffic department. There was no running route on the night of Hungry Ghost Festival on the account of heavy rain.

“Then, what was the bus that I took?”

Gao Ming’s past occupation was as a criminal psychiatrist. He had encountered many crazy people. His mind was always clear and correct. “Something’s wrong with this world.”


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