Chapter 2: Family
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 2: Family

The mud on the bottom of the boots dirtied the floor. Qi Yan shut the door and locked it. His hand, hidden under the sleeve, tightened. His breathing turned heavy. The media called him the Rainy Night Murderer, and he loved it for its simplicity and fearfulness.

“How should I thank him for taking me in?” His eyes were almost covered in blood. Qi Yan stared at Gao Ming’s back. He loved to hunt kind people. He loved to ruin the beauty of the world.

“He has to have a perfect family to have such a kind hard. He must be well-protected by his parents. Kind people like this have no idea how evil the world can get.” Qi Yan kept his face shielded by the hat of the coat. He was thinking of ways to torture Gao Ming.

“You must be hungry.” Gao Ming served the food and poured a glass of water. “Today is my birthday, so we make a lot of food. There’s also cake. Do you want some?” The cake was brought by Gao Ming’s parents, so Gao Ming would gladly share it.

“It’s fine.” Qi Yan didn’t touch anything, afraid of leaving traces. “Is there someone calling for you from the bedroom?”

“My parents are home too.” Gao Ming smiled. “They are not so well. They have to stay in the bedroom and can’t move around too much.”

“Don’t you need to go look after them?” In Qi Yan’s heart, Gao Ming was already dead. “Should we greet your parents?”

“I’m shy and don’t dare to talk to them.” Gao Ming sighed and hobbled to the bedroom. “They are sick with strange symptoms. They need the quiet.” Qi Yan heard the noises from the bedroom. He followed Gao Ming to the bedroom door. The light started to distort, and the temperature lowered.

When Gao Ming opened the bedroom door, Qi Yan took a step back. With curiosity, Qi Yan looked into the bedroom. The shadow in the bedroom retreated. At the place where light and shadow intertwined, there were many scary faces and a giant twisted body! When the monsters saw Gao Ming, they dragged each other towards the door.

Seeing this horrid scene, Qi Yan felt suffocated. He assumed there’d be two elders in the room.

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