Chapter 1: A Normal Night
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 1: A Normal Night

“Happy birthday!”

The living room light shone on the faded yellow table cloth. In this happy atmosphere, father and mother carried the cake into the room. They didn’t bring their emotions back from home. Even though they had been working for the whole day, they were full of smiles.

Pulling up the curtain that led to the kitchen, Gao Ming carried out the trays of cooked food. He didn’t talk to mother and father. He sat alone at the other side of the dining table.

“This kid…” Father shook his head helplessly. He removed his raincoat and rubber shoes and placed his slippers beside mother’s feet. The father in his suit was tall and handsome. The mother, in a white shirt and jeans, was gentle and kind. She praised Gao Ming’s cooking skills and then moved the dirty laundry into the bathroom. There was the sound of running water. After mother washed her hands, there were dark red stains around the sink.

“It’s your birthday today. No matter how busy we are, we’ll hurry back to accompany you.”

Gao Ming didn’t seem to hear his parents. With his head lowered, he listened to the news on the television.

“Reappearance of the Rainy Night Murderer! Third murder in our city’s Old City!”

“The police have zeroed in on the suspect! The public is advised not to panic. Keep your doors and windows locked. Do not go out at night!”

The storm slammed against the glass window. The storm outside and the warm room inside formed a great contrast.

“Why do you keep watching this news?” The father took up the remote with concern. “The media like to focus on these anxious and dangerous things too much.”

Gao Ming did not answer. He moved his line of sight silently to scan this warm room. All the walls were fitted with soundproof materials. As long as there was no loud argument, the neighbours would have no idea what was happening inside the room. The living room had a new fridge. The fridge had a fan to blow freezer air into the fridge so that the meat inside wouldn’t rot so easily. There was a lot of saran wrap in the kitchen. There were containers

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Novel Notes

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