Chapter 28: A Reunion That Isn't At All Romantic
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 28: A Reunion That Isn't At All Romantic

Beneath the seaberry tree, Yaine, wielding her staff in one hand, raised her other hand in front of her where a clump of pure, clear water floated.

The water constantly changed shape, at times forming regular polyhedra, other times crystallizing, sometimes clustering, sometimes dispersing.

"This is… pure elemental spirit?" Liu Ji recited the complicated term using incantation.

Yaine nodded as she took Liu Ji's hand, made him spread his palm, and placed the water cluster in it.

The water cluster indeed floated in Liu Ji's hand, continuously changing and fluctuating along with him.

Staring at the strange water cluster, Liu Ji gulped.

Can this thing… really be eaten? It wouldn't cause indigestion or puncture my stomach, right?

He tried poking the water cluster. It was soft, like regular water, and his fingers easily passed through.

Hmm… Looks to be harmless.

Seeing Liu Ji study the pure water spirit like a child, Yaine grinned and started to think about teaching him more about pure elemental spirits.

But her daydream was interrupted when she saw Liu Ji bring his hand up and open his mouth wide.

"No, you…" Yaine reached out, but before she could say anything, Liu Ji's mouth had already enveloped the water cluster and swallowed it with a gulp.

Yaine was stunned. It wasn't just Yaine; Osar, who had just got down from the tree, was equally dumbfounded.

"D-did… he just eat pure elemental spirit?" Osar asked, wide-eyed. "Heck, is that thing even edible?"

"I-it isn't inedible, it's just a cluster of water, but… I've never seen anyone eat it!" Yaine was at a loss. "He's not a three-year-old child! Who would have thought?"

Meanwhile, Liu Ji smacked his lips and thought to himself, Why doesn't this water element have any taste…

No, taste doesn't matter, what's important is…

Oh! There it is! It's here!

Liu Ji felt that impulse!

He glanced at Yaine, smiled, and responded to the impulse.

In the next moment, Liu Ji vanished in front of Yaine's eyes. An instant later, Liu Ji reappeared, so quickly that even his clothes didn't even f

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