Chapter 29: Humanoid Oxygen Generator
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 29: Humanoid Oxygen Generator

Two hours after picking the seaberries, Osar, carrying Yaine in his back basket and followed closely by Liu Ji, finally approached their departure point.

In the distance, Osar spotted a dark figure standing on a sand dune.

He quickened his pace and strode over, patting the figure on the shoulder with a grin. "Hey, Brother, sorry for the wait. The trees were much farther than we thought…"

Before he could finish, the figure turned its head. Its face, however, was featureless, just a round, dark void.

With a "poof," Osar's fur stood on end, making him look significantly puffier.

"Ah? This fellow actually went ahead." Yaine peeped out from Osar's back basket and tugged the fur on Osar's cheeks. "Speaking of which, how many times have you been scared by Mervant's clones?"

"Uh… Haha, this thing just looks so creepy that I can't help it." Osar awkwardly scratched his chest. "Um, since he left a clone, then we should follow the direction it's pointing."

With that, he started to move in the direction which the clone was pointing.

"No, stop." Yaine tugged Osar's fur hard. "The direction is wrong. That is the way out of the desert. That idiot must have encountered a serious issue. He must have been in such a hurry that he forgot I left a guide beacon before entering the desert."

"Ah? Eh? Then we need to find him quickly!" Osar panicked. "We should… Ah, crap! The compass is with him!"

"Stop! Don't panic! Why do you guys all act the same? Can't you stay calm?" Yaine slapped Osar's big face. "We entered the desert in a straight line, and now he's pointing in the direction we started from. Which way do you think we should go?"

"I… Eh? Oh, right, it must be this way," Osar suddenly came to a realization and was about to start running off.

"That's why I told you not to rush, you big fool!" Yaine quickly clutched his large furry head, reining him back with great effort.

"Huh?" Osar looked at Yaine with wide, innocent eyes that were filled with confusion.

"Mervant is no lone wolf. If he didn't want us to follow him, it's not because

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I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey
Conquering OtherWorld Starts With A Game