Chapter 30: Like A Hallowed Bodhisattva
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 30: Like A Hallowed Bodhisattva

Sshhh, srrkkk, sshhh, srrkkk…

A wriggling invisible barrier moved through the sand, deep underground.

With a Daylight spell above his head, Liu Ji's hair gleamed in a verdant green glow. While he didn't understand why the light source was placed directly above his head, making him resemble a haloed Bodhisattva, he found it pleasantly warm and didn't mind.

Furthermore, traveling underground felt much better than walking on the surface. Firstly, he didn't have to walk himself, and secondly, he could watch the sands flowing around him, like he was a visitor at an aquarium.

This unique experience of moving through a sea of sand wasn't something that could be experienced anytime.

Just that there weren't any fishes in this "sea," only bones. Occasionally, they'd come across a strangely shaped skull, and watching it slowly scraped by the barrier was a tad eerie.

While Liu Ji marveled at this particular scene, he suddenly felt the earth around shake violently.

Yaine, maintaining the spell, frowned and exchanged a glance with Osar. With a whirl of a staff, she picked up the pace.

The two of them realized that a battle had already begun not far from where they were.



Before the city gate, a black-armored commander stood alone atop a high dune, his crimson cape billowing in the wind.

Clutching a heavy sword, he looked on indifferently as his squad fought the stone sentinels below.


A crushing punch of a stone sentinel struck the thick shield of an elite shield guard, producing a resonant, bell-like hum.

Behind the shield guard, an arrow flew in an arc and struck the stone sentinel square in the chest. In the next moment, explosive energy erupted from the arrow, pushing the stone sentinel back several meters.

And this attack left many tiny cracks on the stone sentinel's chest.

As one stone sentinel was repelled, two more attacked the shield guard from the sides, launching a punch from the left and a kick from the right.

Faced with this pincer attack, the shield guard remained unmoved. Or rather, he lacked the cap

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I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey
Conquering OtherWorld Starts With A Game