Chapter 31: Acting Pretentious All Battle, And The Outcome?
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 31: Acting Pretentious All Battle, And The Outcome?

With just that casual strike, the battlefield at the city gates fell silent as if time had frozen.

The black-armored commander standing on the sand dune slightly raised his head, his grip on the heavy sword tightening. However, he still did not move.

The shield guard, who had suddenly lost his shield, appeared momentarily stunned, staring blankly at Myza for a full two seconds.

Myza met his gaze and tilted his head slightly, smiling warmly.

In that instant, the shield guard appeared to snap back to reality or had perhaps spotted an opening. His muscles tensed, and he swung his hammer at Myza's head with all his might.


The hammer didn't face any resistance as it struck the side of Myza's face before shattering into tiny fragments. The powerful recoil numbed the shield guard's arm and threw him off balance, yet it didn't leave a single mark on Myza's face.

"Weak forehand, a lack of precision on the backhand. Since you've lost your weapon, it's high time you exit the stage," Myza said as the end of his staff hooked the shield guard's heel, flipping the latter to the ground.

The shield guard tried to roll and get back up, only to find the staff's tip already at his face.


Hard skull was pierced through easily by the sharp end of the staff as if it were tofu, instantly taking the shield guard's life.

And then, naturally, the staff's end was pulled out. Myza's action was so casual as if he was just taking a stroll and had accidently poked the shield guard's head with his staff.

"Who's next?" Myza standing in front of the elite squad's remaining members lifted his chin. "Hurry up, you. You guys still have a chanting mage. If no one stops me, I'll have to go over and twist his head off out of respect."

Once Myza said that, the black-armored commander tightened his grip on his sword once more. Yet, he still didn't move.

Myza glanced at him, grinned, and started walking slowly toward the chanting mage.

At this point, the other two finally couldn't hold back any longer. The necromancer raised his staff, spreadi

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I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey
Conquering OtherWorld Starts With A Game