Chapter 32: I've Already Been Laid Off Before I Started Work?
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 32: I've Already Been Laid Off Before I Started Work?

In the barren desert, the black-armored commander was frantically fleeing.

Unlike cannon fodders, he, as a commander, possessed greater critical thinking and more comprehensive judgment capabilities.

In other words, those soldiers would throw their lives away meaninglessly, but he wouldn't.

At first, he did plan to let those expendable troops fight while he gathered intelligence for the sake of increasing his chances of success in battle.

However… he couldn't even lift his sword.

Faced with that eerie ashen-skinned man, the commander couldn't muster the courage to confront him.

Bottomless strength and that casual slaughter… It made the commander feel as if he was facing his king.

"Return, return, information…" he muttered in a language he hadn't used in a long time, fleeing as fast as he could toward the teleportation point from which his squad had come through.

That teleportation point should still have some energy left, probably enough to get him back to the royal city.

As long as he could get back to the royal city, he…

Suddenly, the black-armored commander stopped in his tracks. He realized that he would surely die if he returned to the royal city.

The king never forgave any deserter.

Even if he was a so-called commander, he was still just a pawn to the immortal king, one that could be expended as and when. Even if all the pawns were used up, the king could wait decades, centuries, or even millennia to produce a new batch of pawns.

The king never cared about waste.

The king was the eternal king.

The black-armored commander suddenly realized that he was destined to die.

Fleeing meant death, and not fleeing also meant death.

However, he didn't want to die. He wanted to live.

That's right. He wished to live, which was only natural! Why?

Because he was a commander; his life was meant to be used for more valuable purposes and not just wasted like this!

Was that right? Perhaps it was…

He shouldn't waste his own life, he shouldn't crush his own skull out of anxiety, nor should he jump off a cliff into an abyss out of

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I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey
Conquering OtherWorld Starts With A Game