Chapter 27: Stay Cautions, Don't Act Recklessly!
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 27: Stay Cautions, Don't Act Recklessly!

In the desert, Liu Ji and his companions seemed to have good luck today. Some time in the afternoon, Osar managed to catch a faint scent of seaberry trees in the air.

It was just that the location of the seaberry trees was slightly off their intended path. They couldn't confirm their intended direction a second time, and if they first went to find the seaberry trees and then continued in their original direction, their route wouldn't closely parallel their initial path.

Thus, to avoid deviating, they decided to leave Mervant behind as a landmark, while the other three went to find the seaberry trees.

"It doesn't seem far, and we'll definitely be back before dark," Osar said as he walked briskly through the desert.

Liu Ji followed closely behind him, feeling no pressure in keeping up. In fact, knowing he had a chance to taste water element sashimi made him want to move even faster.

The only one unhappy with the speed was Yaine, who, due to her slower pace, had to be carried in the back basket.

"If~it's~not~far~don't~walk~so~fast~!" she protested, her voice vibrating from being shaken so much.

Despite her complaints, she understood Osar's reason for maintaining this pace.

In the desert, the concept of distance could sometimes be deceptive. Sometimes "not far" was indeed close by, but other times it could be inaccurate.

At least when using a landmark, say a mountain, one would know they're heading in the right direction, but relying solely on scent in a desert of only sand that stretched into the horizon, gauging the distance was tricky.

Still, as it turned out, Osar's judgment was correct. Even with their accelerated pace, it took them about two hours to find the few seaberry trees.

A round trip would take over four hours, and had they moved any slower, they might only return to Mervant after dark.

There had already been two consecutive blood moon nights, and no one could be certain if there would be a third. They definitely couldn't leave Mervant alone outside overnight.

"I'll pick the berries, you guys collect wate

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