Chapter 26: Underground
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Morning arrived, and the desert returned to its peaceful state once again.

After a night of intense studying, even though Liu Ji genuinely loved what he was learning, he still felt mentally exhausted.

He even considered turning back into a potato to rest for a bit. However, seeing the vast expanse of yellow sand, he couldn't find any suitable soil for taking root.

I should bring along a flower pot the next time I go out. At least I would be able to plant myself inside and get some sleep, thought Liu Ji to himself.

Speaking of which, familiars and such could be summoned with magic. If he could get one to carry a flowerpot, then that would be even better.

Yaine, on the other hand, seemed quite energetic and didn't plan on sleeping. According to her, a mage of her level could manage several days with just a night's sleep.

As they moved, she kept looking all around, trying her best to find seaberry trees. Evidently, she genuinely wanted to be a responsible and good teacher.

Unfortunately, luck wasn't on their side, and they still hadn't encountered a single seaberry tree after walking for an entire morning.

At midday, when the heat was at its peak, they decided to stop and rest for a bit. Yaine used an earth spell to create a double-layered sphere, which accommodated everyone.

Previously, doing this would only provide them with temporary relief from the heat, but now with Liu Ji around, they could stay in the double-layered sphere and have lunch before continuing their journey.

As for why it was double-layered… without an insulating layer, the inside of the sphere would be no different from an oven.

Due to the party's frugality, their food supplies were still sufficient. However, their water reserves were more worrying. Traveling in the desert consumed a lot of water, and since they hadn't encountered many seaberry trees, their water supply was running low. Yaine was aware that their water reserves were now less than one-third of which they started with.

"Hmm… It seems we must find a seaberry tree within the next two d

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Conquering OtherWorld Starts With A Game