Chapter 25: Staying At Home For Too Long Does That To A Person
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 25: Staying At Home For Too Long Does That To A Person

While Osar and Mervant were talking about their companions, Liu Ji finally managed to get his idea across to Yaine.

Yaine was silent for some time, then wrote down a string of somewhat complex incantations in her notebook. Syllable by syllable, she then taught Liu Ji how to pronounce it.

This spell was quite a mouthful, with many syllables sounding like a mix of several simple tones pronounced simultaneously. After several unsuccessful attempts, Liu Ji quickly realized that to fluently pronounce these syllables, he would need to be very familiar with the basic single-tone spells related to water elements.

Fortunately, the single-tones he had learned the previous night, although a bit rough, seemed sufficient. With some extra time and effort, he was eventually able to correctly pronounce the incantation.

After repeating the spell two or three times, the basic meaning of the spell became clear in Liu Ji’s mind—"pure water element aggregate."

After repeating it a few dozen more times, Liu Ji began to understand the concept.

Some more complex magical operations required the cooperation of multiple mages, but some powerful mages could perform such spells alone by first conjuring a pure aggregate of the element, then proceeding with the spellcasting.

In such cases, the aggregate had both the physical properties of the element and the characteristics of an elemental spirit. Liu Ji wasn't sure about other elements like fire or lightning, as they seemed too dangerous to handle, but he figured that in this state, water elements could indeed be consumed, or at least drunk.

Once he was sure of this, Liu Ji excitedly communicated to Yaine his strong desire to see her summon a "pure water element aggregate" for him to examine.

Though puzzled, Yaine, considering herself a teacher, could not refuse what seemed like a reasonable request from a student eager to broaden his horizons.

Thus, via vague gestures, she told Liu Ji that if they encountered a seaberry tree tomorrow, she could give it a try.

After all, in this desert, it was

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