Chapter 19.1: Who Says Potatoes Can't Eat?
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 19.1: Who Says Potatoes Can't Eat?

Atop the cliff, Mervant clutched the disc, trying to sense the direction of the link.

Nearby, Osar sneakily approached Yaine and asked, "Yaine, if I start learning incantations now, how long do you think it will take me to learn them?"

"Ah? Why are you thinking of learning incantations now?" Yaine eyed him skeptically. "Plus when you say learn… Just what degree of proficiency do you mean?"

"Aiyah, you're teaching that potato lad incantations, right?" Osar said. "I think he's rather interesting, so I was wondering if I could also learn a little and maybe chat with him in the future."

"Oh, you want to use it for conversation." Yaine sized up Osar and said reluctantly, "Forgive my bluntness, but that might be difficult."

"I know incantations are difficult," Osar replied. "But we have quite a bit of time here, so why don't you spare some time to teach me?"

"No, I'm not saying that incantations are difficult. I'm saying that you might be a bit lacking in talent." Yaine shrugged. "Your race generally has very poor magical talent. Why do you think there haven't been many high-level mages among your people over the years?"

"Ah, that…" Osar was momentarily at a loss for words and, after a while, said with resignation, "Yeah, that does seem to be the case, huh."

"But why do you want to chat with him?" Yaine inquired.

"Um, how should I put it, I just feel like he's a good lad?" Osar shrugged. "We've just met, and he's already cooking meals for us, plus his muscles aren't bad, and he even helped us in a fight. He's such a good guy; wouldn't it be a shame if we couldn't even have a conversation with him?"

"Oh? You think so highly of him?" Yaine was somewhat surprised.

"Alright, I guess. Probably not as highly as you think of him?" Osar joked.

"Me? Uh…" Yaine was first stunned, then the image of Liu Ji kicking the Tyrant's scout flashed through her mind. After a long pause, she nodded. "Mm, indeed. You are right, he is a good lad."

"So, perhaps we shouldn't have left him back there to keep watch?" Osar said. "He seemed like he r

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I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey
Conquering OtherWorld Starts With A Game